Fall Cleanup Day
Webster Presbyterian Church
Sat. November 5th, 2016
Come for as long as you can- No set times!
We need your help! Let's show our "Thanks" to the Webster Presbyterian Church by helping at their Fall Cleanup Day!
When: Saturday, November 5th from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Come and drop in for as long as you can....NO SET TIMES!
(Raindate: November 12th)
Where: Webster Presbyterian Church
550 Webster Rd
Webster, NY
Who: All girl scouts, families, parents, siblings....ALL AGES
The Webster Girl Scout Service Unit has been very fortunate to be able to meet at this church for the past many years. Not only do they allow us to have our monthly Service Unit Meetings for leaders, but we also have many of our events there for girls. The church does not ask for any money and offers their building as a free service to our Girl Scout community.
We'd like to show our appreciation by helping at their Fall Clean Up Day. There are many jobs around the church, both outside and inside. Expect to do one of the following: cleaning up leaves, spreading mulch, washing windows, vacuuming and dusting classrooms, cleaning the kitchen, etc.
All you have to do is show up and a member of the church will help assign a task to you and your girls. My troop has done this for several years and they are always appreciative of our efforts. They understand that they are kids doing the jobs and are simply thankful for our help. It's fun and rewarding and a great opportunity to teach the girls about community service. You don't have to stay for the whole time...just come and stay for as long as you can.
Wear work clothes that you can get dirty in! Also, bring gloves/ tools/ rakes if you'd like to work outside. Or there will be inside work to be done as well if you'd prefer that. The Boy Scouts also come to help and they usually like to be outside. :)
Also, parents and siblings are welcome to attend! Please consider forwarding this email to your troop members and encourage them to attend....even if YOU can't. (However, girls must be attended by an adult if the leader is unable to stay.)
Please sign up if you are able to come and help. This Sign Up Genius is just to give us an idea of who and how many people are planning to attend. OR...JUST SHOW UP!